Hi everyone!
I hope that you are all having a wonderful weekend! These past two weeks have been pretty crazy down here at SMA. Due to the recent snow, the Junior Encounter was pushed back to start this last Wednesday. Junior Encounter is an amazing experience that is kept completely hush-hush - the fact that it is a secret is the best part! You go with a third of your junior class and you bond, creating amazing friendships that connect you with those around you more than you could ever think. Although I didn't know many of the girls that went on this recent Encounter, I knew some of the Seniors that act as student leaders! It was definitely cool knowing that some of my friends were helping the Juniors in their immense journey together.
Along with the Encounter, these past two weeks have entailed Doernbecher Week, where we raise money to donate to the Doernbecher Children's Hospital. It lasts for five days, each with a theme that the class has to follow while dressing. For example, one of the days was Seattle day, where everyone dressed like a hipster! Dressing up like this raises points for your class - and whichever class gets the most points at the end of the week gets a prize! Another to way that we raise points and show spirit is bring change to donate into class buckets in the front hallway. If you put pennies in your jar, you get points for your class. But if you put silver change in other classes' jars, you deduct points from their overall score! This is definitely a cool way to fundraiser, making it into a spirited activity that has a great cause. Another great part of the week is the dodgeball tournament that happens during lunch. A team from each class competes with each other everyday at lunch until finally the victorious class plays a team of teachers!
The Seniors managed to make it through to the last round, but then the teachers won all three games in a row... It was for sure soooo fun to watch!!
Doernbecher Week is just another great example of how our school comes together to bond and work towards a great cause.
See you next time,
Bryn '17